Respite Care

Humberston House Care Home

We fully appreciate the tireless dedication that comes with being a carer. It’s a 24/7 role that, while rewarding, can also be emotionally and physically draining. At Humberston House, we offer you the peace of mind to take that well-deserved break, secure in the knowledge that your loved one will be looked after with the same level of compassion and professionalism you’d expect in a Tanglewood Home.

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Why Respite Care is a Good Option

Taking a break as a caregiver is essential. Our respite care services at Humberston House offer your loved one a new environment with the same level of care they receive at home. It provides you with rest while offering them enriching social interactions and activities, and the chance to explore the possibility of permanent care in a supportive setting.

Man and elderly woman walking in garden

Respite Care Services Tailored to You

Our respite care services at Humberston House cater to both Residential and Dementia care needs. During their stay, your loved one can participate in various activities, make new friends, and enjoy the comfort and safety of our home. We customise care plans to suit individual preferences, ensuring they receive the best support and care.

Younger lady talking to older lady

Qualified Respite Carers at Humberston House

At Humberston House, our team of qualified respite carers provides exceptional care with compassion and professionalism. Each team member is trained to deliver high-quality services, ensuring your loved one feels comfortable and supported. With ongoing training and a focus on resident well-being, our carers create a positive and nurturing environment for all residents.

Whether it’s for a change of scenery, an opportunity to forge new friendships, or the experience of different engaging activities, your loved one will be nurtured in an uplifting environment. Respite stays can also serve as a ‘trial period’ for those considering a more permanent move to a care facility. This experience allows both you and your loved one to gauge the fit before making a long-term commitment.

Our respite services span the care spectrum, covering both Residential and Dementia care needs. So whenever you’re ready to catch your breath, we’re here to provide that crucial support, giving you both the space and time to rejuvenate. Get in touch with us today to find out more.

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"I celebrated my 100th birthday in December. The staff arranged a nice party for me with family and friends. It was a lovely day. I enjoy the gardens, the trees, well kept lawns and flowers. I am very happy here. It is very convenient having the hairdresser, chiropodist and optician attending, also I enjoy the privacy of my room with the TV, my own phone and also having morning newspapers."

Cedar Falls resident

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